Function | Description |
add_property_long(zval *object, char *key, long
l);() | Adds a long to the object. |
add_property_unset(zval *object, char
*key);() | Adds an unset property to the object. |
add_property_bool(zval *object, char *key, int
b);() | Adds a Boolean to the object. |
add_property_resource(zval *object, char *key,
long r);() | Adds a resource to the object. |
add_property_double(zval *object, char *key,
double d);() | Adds a double to the object. |
add_property_string(zval *object, char *key,
char *str, int duplicate);() | Adds a string to the object. |
add_property_stringl(zval *object, char *key,
char *str, uint length, int duplicate);() | Adds a string of the specified length to the object. This
function is faster than add_property_string() and also
binary-safe. |
add_property_zval(zval *obect, char *key, zval *container):()
Adds a zval container to the object. This is useful if you
have to add properties which aren't simple types like integers or strings but
arrays or other objects.