Midgard Database Installation

New with Midgard 1.4 the Midgard database package now has a configure script. You can use this script to specify various options for the installation of the database package. The db-admin and db-admin-password options are for the MySQL server adminuser and password that you set with the installation of the MySQL server. The db-user, db-user-password and db options are the Midgard database, Midgard database user and Midgard database password that Midgard will need to run. The lang option is for the language of the Midgard Admin application and your choices are English or Russian (en or ru).

$ cd midgard-data-1.4

$ ./configure --help (pick the options that you need)
$ ./configure ...

# PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mysql/bin

# ./dbinstall

The dbinstall script is an interactive script which will quiz you on a number of options and then create or upgrade your Midgard database accordingly.

Basically, this part creates a new database on the MySQL server. This will contain host information for midgard, together with admin, users, styles, content of web-sites you create. Also, a new account for the midgard system must be made allowing access to select, insert, update etc, the content, users, hosts etc. It also creates a file:


which contains the basic settings for the Midgard Admin Site virtual host. You can copy the information from this file to your httpd.conf file and make necessary modifications for other virtual hosts that you might want to create.

Alternatively, you can copy this file to your apache/conf directory and include it in your Apache configuration file with an Include directive (this might be version dependent).

While you are at it, you might as well copy the images for the Example and Admin sites (if you chose to install the old Admin Site) to your Apache DocumentRoot.

# cp -r example /usr/local/apache/htdocs

# cp -r midgard/images /usr/local/apache/htdocs/midgard

# [chown -R <apacheuser>.<apachegroup> /usr/local/apache]

Once the component installations are complete you will probably need to come back to this database to update host information.